Common Hall

Common Hall - June 25th 2018

Common Hall Voting

Common Hall, where liverymen cast their vote in the election of Sheriffs, will be held on Monday 25th June in Guildhall. Many of you will be familiar with the election process, but we have produced a short video clip to describe the voting process. Please note that this year there is a change to voting with the use of coloured cards to ease the vote count. The cards for Liz will be yellow - hence the change of colour  for this page.
We urge you to attend Common Hall and cast your two votes for the Aldermanic Candidate, Vincent Keaveny and the non-Aldermanic candidate Liz Green. You can read Liz’s election address here
Liz's Election Address

Potential Ballot - July 9th

We hope that the vote at Common Hall will be decisive. However, it is a legal right of any two liverymen to demand a formal ballot, regardless of the vote in Common Hall. If this occurs, the Ballot will be held on Monday 9th July. As with Common Hall, you must be physically present at Guildhall to vote, but there is no formal meeting to open the proceedings - votes can be cast at any time throughout the day from
8 am to 6 pm. At the close of the poll, the votes are counted and the formal result announced shortly afterwards at a reconvened Common Hall. 

The Shrieval candidates have agreed that they will not call a Ballot unless the vote is close – defined as a gap of less than 10% of the voters present in Common Hall. This agreement is notwithstanding the legal right described above. Also, once the votes at Common Hall on 25th June are known, candidates will have the opportunity to withdraw and their names not published on ballot papers should a poll be demanded.
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